Through both desk research and empirical research, reCreating Europe will provide a comparative cross-national mapping of (i) the governance and implementation of processes for IPR within Galleries, Libraries, Museums and Archives (GLAM); (ii) the effective implementation of copyright law by GLAM, taking into account sector-specific practices, with particular regard to digitisation-related issues and Open Access to Knowledge.

The project will also aim to understand the effect and uses of the digitization of art, architecture and cultural heritage in place-making, and the effect of this on the functioning of the DSM. Work will be undertaken with stakeholders to improve their copyright awareness, and help them to deal with issues arising from digitisation, by drafting specific guidelines.

In so doing, it enables a higher degree of harmonization of current EU copyright law and policies by means of a bottom-up approach, where stakeholders play a leading role.

Several deliverables are now available on Zenodo:

D5.1 Report on the existing legal framework for Galleries and Museums (GM) in EU.

D5.2 Report on the existing legal framework for Libraries and Archives (LA) industries in EU.

D5.3 Guidelines & FAQs (GM) industries – Interim version

D5.4 Guidelines & FAQs (LA) industries – Interim version.

D5.5 Guidelines and FAQs (GM) industries – Final version

D5.6 Guidelines & FAQs (LA) industries – Final version

D5.7 Final Policy Recommendations for EU Lawmakers

D5.8 Academic Journal Articles on the Findings of Research

D5.9 Policy Report – Placemaking and Intellectual Property

D5.10 Academic journal article on IPRs and place – Summary

Other publications

Caso, R., and Dore, G., Academic Copyright, Open Access and the “Moral” Second Publication Right. Zenodo.

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