End users and access to culture
This part of the project is analysing the problem of access to culture in the Digital Single Market, looking at its interplay with regulatory efforts in the area of copyright and broader cultural policies.
It offers:
- A comparative EU and cross-national mapping and assessment of regulatory sources and policy measures in the field of copyright and the DSM having a positive or negative impact on digital access to culture for general users and for vulnerable groups, with a focus on people belonging to national and new minorities and people with disabilities.
- A comparative cross-national mapping of the degree of general users’ knowledge and understanding of EU and national copyright laws and their flexibility, and of the alternative coping strategies adopted by individual users, communities or networks to overcome regulatory obstacles to access and sharing created by IPRs and other DSM interventions
- The innovative use of agent-based models to evaluate the effects of digitisation and change in the IPRs legislation on access to culture, detecting in particular the impact on accessibility and affordability, and their consequences in terms of consumption of cultural/creative goods and services, having regard also to a gender and age dimension.
- A focus on two case studies (visually impaired persons and academics), to measure through surveys and other participatory research tools the effectivity of two of the most harmonized exceptions on access to culture and scientific materials.
- A set of best practices helping general and vulnerable users to tackle access problems, and policy recommendations identifying regulatory options that may best facilitate digital access and foster the potential of digitization.
Read the final deliverables on Zenodo:
D2.2 Interim report on barriers experienced by vulnerable groups.
D2.3 Copyright flexibilities: mapping and comparative assessment of EU and national sources.
D2.5 Interim report on case studies.
D2.4 Report on barriers experienced by vulnerable groups
D2.6 Publication on impact of copyright law and perception on demand for cultural goods and services