Reports and studies

Activities & Resources

Papers discussing and analyzing the results of reCreating Europe’s research activities:

Please note: for a full list of all reCreating reports and studies per Work Package, see the individual stakehodler sections of the website (WP2 on End Users, WP3 on Authors and Performers, WP4 on the Creative Industries , WP5 on GLAM Industries, WP6 on Intermediaries)

Priora, Giulia, & Sganga, Caterina. (2020). D2.1 Interim report on EU and national sources and private practices on legitimate uses and flexibilities. Zenodo.

Ferri, Delia; Higgins, NoelleSerra, M. LauraDonnellan, Katie. (2021). D2.2 Interim report on barriers experienced by vulnerable groups. Zenodo.

Ferri, DeliaMartinelli, AriannaRossello, GiuliaSerra, M.Laura. (2021) D2.5 Interim report on case studies. Zenodo.

Arianna MartinelliJoost PoortAlessandro NuvolariJulia Mazzei (2022) D2.7 Report on the effect of digitisation and regulatory changes on access to cultural/creative goods and services. Zenodo

Poort, JoostPervaiz, AbeerFurgal, Ula (2022) D3.1 Mapping Document on income development of authors and performers and copyright reversal in EU. Zenodo.

Quintais, J.P; Bulayenko, O; Gervais, D; Poort, J. (2021). D3.5 AI Music Outputs: Challenges to the Copyright Legal Framework. Zenodo.

Martin KretschmerThomas MargoniPinar Oruc (2023) D3.7 Final report on the role of EU copyright law in relation to training models for machine learning purposes. Zenodo.

van Eechoud, Mireille (2023) D4.1 Territoriality scoping paper. Zenodo

van Eechoud, Mireillevan Es, Romy. (2021). D4.2 Report on EU policy space in light of international framework. Zenodo

Danna, RaffaeleMartinelli, AriannaNuvolari, Alessandro. (2021). D4.6. Interim report on negative space of EU creative industries. Zenodo

Pastak, IngmarKõuts-Klemm, RagneEenmaa, HelenKindsiko, Eneli. (2021). D4.8 Interim report on entrepreneurship patterns of creative industries in gentrifying urban neighbourhoods arising from empirical data gathered. Zenodo

Ingmar PastakRagne Kõuts- KlemmHelen EenmaaEneli Kindsiko (2023) D4.9 Entrepreneurship Patterns Of Creative Industries In Gentrifying Urban Neighbourhoods. Zenodo

Meletti, Bartolomeovan Gompel, Stef. (2021). D4.10 Issue reports on how copyright exceptions and other permitted uses that are relevant for documentary filmmakers and immersive digital heritage practitioners are understood in the Netherlands and the UK. Zenodo

Meletti, Bartolomeo. (2021). D4.12 Interim report on the information architecture of the Copyright User EU site. Zenodo

Caso, RobertoDore, GiuliaArisi, Marta. (2021). D5.1 Report on the existing legal framework for Galleries and Museums (GM) in EU. Zenodo.

Priora, G; Sganga, C (2021). D5.2 Report on the existing legal framework for Libraries and Archives (LA) industries in EU. Zenodo.

Poort, Joost; Pervais, Abeer (2022) Report(s) on the perspectives of authors and performers. Zenodo

Ferri, Delia; Higgins, Noelle; Donnellan, Katie; Serra, M. Laura (2022) Report on barriers experienced by vulnerable groups. Zenodo 

Rossello, Giulia; Martinelli, Arianna; Ferri, Delia; Donnellan, Katie (2022) Final report on case studies. Zenodo

Eneli KindsikoRagne Kõuts-KlemmHelen EenmaaIngmar Pastak (2022) D4.7 Newly emerging business models in the creative industries in the wake of increasing digitalisation. Zenodo

João Pedro QuintaisPéter MezeiIstván HarkaiJoão Carlos MagalhãesChristian KatzenbachSebastian Felix SchwemerThomas Riis (2022) Copyright Content Moderation in the EU: An Interdisciplinary Mapping Analysis. Zenodo

João Pedro Quintais; Peter Mezei; Istvan Harkai; João Carlos Magalhães; Christian Katzenbach; Sebastian Felix Schwemer; Thomas Riis (2022) Final Report on mapping of EU legal framework and intermediaries’ practices on copyright content moderation and removal. Zenodo

Mireille van Eechoud (2022) D4.4 Territoriality Roundtables (combined report). Zenodo

Caterina SgangaPéter MezeiMagali ContardiPelin TuranIstván HarkaiGiorgia BucariaCamilla Signoretta (2022) D2.3 Copyright flexibilities: mapping and comparative assessment of EU and national sources. Zenodo

Ingmar PastakRagne Kõuts- KlemmHelen Eenmaa; Eneli Kindsiko (2022) D4.9 Entrepreneurship Patterns Of Creative Industries In Gentrifying Urban Neighbourhoods. Zenodo

reCreating Europe Milestone Reports

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MS3 –

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MS12 –

MS14 –