ReCreating Europe at the EPIP 2021 Conference in Madrid

On 8-10 September 2021, ReCreating Europe will join the 16th Annual Conference of the EPIP (European Policy for Intellectual Property) Association “IP and Future of Innovation”, hosted by the Centre of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Spanish National Research Council in Madrid.

This independent, interdisciplinary, non-profit association of researchers from all over the world will gather to share and discuss high profile projects and ideas in the field of intellectual property, including copyright law.

This year ReCreating Europe will participate, bringing to the tables of the conference research outcomes and key developments across its Work Packages.

9th September 10:15 CESTRoundtable: ‘Centrifugal forces in EU copyright law’

ReCreating Europe will host a round table on the “Centrifugal forces in EU copyright law”. The discussion will focus on the outcomes achieved by mapping and measuring the impact of the current multi-level legislative framework on:

(a) copyright flexibilities, users’ rights, access to culture and vulnerable groups;

(b) authors’ remuneration, income distribution and bargaining power, with a special focus on reversion rights; (c) copyright, data ownership, transparency and AI technologies; and

(d) intermediaries, content moderation, access to culture and freedom of (creative) expression.

ReCreating Europe researchers Ula Furgal, Thomas Margoni, Joost Poort, João Pedro Quintais, and Caterina Sganga will discuss preliminary results together with Brando Benifei (European Parliament), Bence Kertesz (DG CNCT) and Judge Marko Ilesic (TBC).

10th September 12:00 CESTPaper presentations

Another ReCreating Europe panel will be dedicated to the presentation of the results of the work conducted within Work Package 2 on End-Users and Access to Culture. The panel will feature three paper presentations:

  • Giulia Priora and Caterina Sganga will share insights from their upcoming paper “Betwitxt and between: the present and future of copyright flexibilities”, tracing the contours of their encompassing research efforts mapping public legal sources of copyright flexibilities at EU as well as national level. The paper closely looks at the varying legal takes and understandings surrounding the notion of copyright flexibilities, and draws examples from selected copyright exceptions (non-commercial private uses, educational and research uses, and cultural heritage preservation) to build a comprehensive assessment of the consistency and effectiveness of current and future regulation.
  • Peter Mezei and Istvan Harkai will fundamentally complement the picture on copyright flexibilities presenting their paper on “End-user flexibilities in digital copyright law – An empirical analysis of end-user license agreements”. Exploring the private ordering facet of copyright regulation, their contribution thoroughly illustrates the way platforms’ end-users license agreements interact and shape copyright flexibilities, enabling or rather restricting their exercise and viability. The empirical analysis conducted embraces seventeen popular online service providers, and is available here.
  • Giulia Rossello and Arianna Martinelli will present their paper “Sci-Hub and Academics: Survey evidence from EU countries”. Leveraging on original data collected through an online survey in six European countries (Italy, Ireland, Sweden, Germany, Hungary, The Netherlands) the paper provides an overview on academics’ perception of copyright law and the diffusion of academic digital piracy.

To register to the conference and attend ReCreating Europe’s panels amongst a stellar line-up of other speakers and insightful presentations, visit the EPIP website:

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